Love Spain, Hate Bullfighting.

Billboards by SPY.

I was at the countryside, running (in wellingtons).
I realize now: when you do that, things like this happen.
I wrote on my tank.

When a man's an empty kettle he should be on his mettle,
And yet I'm torn apart.
Just because I'm presumin' that I could be kind-a-human,
If I only had heart.
I'd be tender - I'd be gentle and awful sentimental
Regarding Love and Art.
I'd be friends with the sparrows ...
and the boys who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.
Picture me - a balcony. Above a voice sings low.
Wherefore art thou, Romeo? I hear a beat....
How sweet.
Just to register emotion, jealousy - devotion,
And really feel the part.
I could stay young and chipper
and I'd lock it with a zipper,
If I only had a heart.
AriZona Ice Tea.

My new obsession. Four bottles in three days.
# 10.
There is nothing when I see him. And nothing when I think about him.
Where there used to be as many thoughts as there are grains of sand on beaches, there is now nothing.
I just look at him and feel ashamed of how blind I was.
There holds so much irony in how he looks at me.
Like he suddenly feels ashamed of how blind he was.
Letting me slip away from his grip.
I am lost when he is close, and he can never find me again.
It does not matter how much he would ever dream of catching me - it is not possible.
I am invincible and it is your loss this time. Your loss, this time.
The flag does not fly anymore, and I do not allow my thoughts to be wasted on your sorry ass any longer.


Myself, by me.
I want these.

From by Carvela.
But only if.
I love you. But you are a mess. What do you want from me?
I will not crumble, but I can turn my back away.
Is that really what you want?
You should stay where you are true.
I will be.
Do not come back.
If you are not, do not come back.
It is not that I do not like you.
It is that, that I want to turn you blue.
Make you lost like me, so we can get lost together.
And never be found.
I somehow know I will love it that way.
Direction, what is the use?
But it ends before it has even begun.
Like it always does.
I am sorry - like you will be.
When I change the locks to my life with you in it.
And throw away the keys you had in the palm of your hand.
Some day I will wish for something good.
Something good and nothing bad.
I have always shared with the most dishonest.
Because I have never listened.
And when it backfires, I only have myself to blame.
"Just do not trust him"
"He will break your heart"
And he does.
As ever before.
But the show must go on, you see.
There will be followers.
As ever before.
I just wish for them to see me for the wonder I am.
My friend told me.
"What is wrong with us? What did we do?
Did we kill a family of five in our former lives?"
Maybe we did.
Simplistic Sensuality.

By Alex Aristei.

I think it is wrong.
because he is now dead, praise has started heaping in like never before.
Cause I, I do remember the time when MJ only stood for something positive.
I am not surprised the pressure pushed him from the edge.
So why did all of the accusations somehow turned into glorification at
the 25 of june, the day when Michael's life ended?
It is all a big swindle.
How can people look past this brainwashing?
Everything that is today positive about the king of pop,
was what initially killed him.
Media buried Michael Jackson.
This upsets me.
All of the honour is only another paycheck.
Some new headlines and spreads.
Since when in the last five years have you ever seen positive news featuring MJ?
What the fuck, people.
Realize that media and hypocracy go fucking hand in hand.
Do not get me wrong.
I think he deserves the praise.
That is not what it is about.
I am not claiming his innocence, I am not calling him guilty of anything.
I just do not understand why people can not see that this is wrong.
And in this monkey see monkey do world - now all of the sudden
Michael Jackson is potrayed like a hero in the media. Like never before.
Everybody took advantage of him when he was alive.
And it did not even stop when he did.
I see the MTV memorial hours and all I see is money.
Money money money and lies lies lies.
Magazine editors going:
"The people want Michael Jackson, so let us give them Michael Jackson."
That is what I see.
I would go crazy.
I would go crazy if I was extremely famous my entire life.
Not saying that Michael Jackson were.
Just saying I would.
So Rest In Peace Michael Jackson.
Some days, you rocked my world.

From Google.
Mos Def.
To where they are, the human heart
is curious
above all things,
the lights are low
your eyes are bright
the music, makes it sweet delight
Its out inside, I'm feeling right
your dress is tight
I want you right now

Scribbles of a window.
I d o n o t c a r e
a b o u t w h a t
I a m d o i n g.
A s l o n g a s I
a m n o t d o i n g
y o u.
You are my déjà vu.
But you are brand new.
You can drop the drama.
But I will flip the script.

You never loved him did you?
You never cared, right?
You never loved him did you?
So what is the fuss about?
My inside is a concrete wall.
Where nothing escapes and nothing enters.
So how is it that I feel constantly polluted?
Poisoned with you.
You lurk your way in, where you should not be.
Where you do not belong.
Like you have found my vulnerable point.
My Achilles' heel.
So how do you do it?
How do you bring tears to my face
that has been trapped for decades?
Why do I keep finding you in the deepest
corners of my heavy mind?
I thought you had vanished.
But clearly you live on.
Yet I am glad this is only in my head.
So you can't search elsewhere.
Girls like me we don't run free.
Girls like me don't grow on trees.
Hilarious, honestly.
Will make you go "aww".
Just plain adorable.
The phone keeps on ringing.
(But it is not you.)
It sucks.
How it does not matter if it is not you.
If it is not you on my display next to 'is calling'.
Fuck you.
Fuck you and your shit.
Fuck me for believing in it.
Fuck my stupidity.
For me for keeping on making the same mistakes.
Fuck me for trusting in people.
And most of all.
Fuck this.
I do not deserve this.
And you do not deserve me.
And you should know.
You should know by now.
It is not me, it is you. (It was always you.)
The number.